
The Collegiate Peaks Forum Series® depends on community support to bring its FREE programs to the Upper Arkansas Valley. Please consider offering your contribution by contacting us on the above contact us form.  Thank you! 

Whether you are an individual who values attending the excellent lectures that we present, or if you are a business or corporation who wants to show your support of our ongoing enrichment of our community, every contribution is greatly appreciated. 

Individual sponsorships start at $25 and have ranged up to more than $1000. Every donation is greatly appreciated. Individual donors will also be recognized in our print material, or you can remain anonymous. Whichever you choose, please know that your contribution makes a big difference to the Series.


For individuals/businesses wanting to donate via a check,

please make the check payable to the Collegiate Peaks Forum and mail the check to;

For individuals/businesses wanting to donate via a credit card,

please click the ONLINE DONATION button below.

ONLINE Credit Card Donation

For individuals/businesses wanting to make a cash contribution, or if you have questions or feedback regarding the donation process, please fill out the form below and one of the Collegiate Peaks Forum Board Members will get back to you.


Volunteers are also appreciated for stuffing envelopes, setting up chairs, distributing posters and helping with community outreach. If you are interested, please speak to a Board member at a lecture, or send us a message through the above contact us form.

We also always welcome new board members.  If you have an interest in joining our board please contact us on the form above.  Thank you!

Business Contributor Benefits

Businesses are recognized in our flyers, programs, on our website and on the PowerPoint presentations at the beginning of each lecture. The amount of recognition increases with your donation level, and can even include a special thank you at the lecture should you choose to sponsor a specific evening.

Please fill out the form below and one of our Collegiate Peaks Forum Board Members will get back to you.